4 Critical Link Building Strategies to Boost Traffic to your Site

Getting high-quality traffic to your website is one of your primary business challenges. Follow these 4 link building strategies to boost your site’s traffic.


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2015-02-26 10:43:00

Getting high-quality traffic to your website is one of the biggest challenges an SEO expert can face. Individuals and companies alike have tried endless measures and tactics to boost website traffic – some ethical, some highly frowned upon by Google.

One of the most admired and effective ways to boost website traffic is to get high-quality links that point to your website. That being said, it’s essential that your link building tactics comply with Google’s ever-changing rules.  

Listed below are 4 critical link building strategies you should adopt to boost traffic to your site in an honest, effective and consistent manner:

1.       Listen to Google

One of the best ways to increase links to your website is to comply with Google’s Quality rules. One such rule is to always create original, compelling content as this will encourage people to link to your site.

2.       Be Relevant

Another important link building strategy is to create content that is relevant to your industry of operation. All keywords must be applicable to the line of business while readers must find the text useful. This will persuade reputable, related websites to link to your site.

It is also important to ensure that only businesses related to your industry link to your website. Steer clear of linking with unrelated websites or articles unless there is some connection between the two.

3.       Diversify

Use a number of linking tactics instead of focusing on just one or two. For example you can Listed below are some relevant tactics that you may wish to employ:

  • Become a guest blogger on a related website
  • Gain recommendations from trusted websites
  • Syndicate your content on major publishers or well-read blogs (ensure that the content is published on your own website first)
  • Get active on social media 

4.       Be Different

It’s tempting to copy what your competitors are doing but if you want to stand out from the crowd then it’s essential to go against the grain. Also, when you and your competitor appear in the same search engine results, the chances of your link being clicked automatically drops. As such, it’s vital that you develop a unique link building strategy that is entirely different from your competitors. 

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