A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Marketing

This guide is designed to help you to better understand social media and to improve your social media presence…


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2015-03-16 09:39:00

Social media marketing is becoming increasingly valuable as a way to reach out to a wider target audience and attract more leads. Clearly, however, the whole process can be quite overwhelming, especially to the novice, as there are so many platforms and processes involved in building a valuable network.

This guide is designed to help you to better understand social media and to improve your social media presence…

About Social Media

During the past decade, there has been a dramatic increase in the popularity of social media and the amount of platforms available. Once logged in, people use the sites to interact with others, participate in discussions and learn about topics that interest them.   

Most of today’s most popular social networks are incredibly easy to use which has contributed towards their success and appeal. Millions of people are logged into the various platforms available, which is fantastic news for businesses as this gives them the opportunity to better promote their services and develop stronger relationships with their customer base.

Some Statistics

  • Facebook has 1.9 billion monthly active users 
  • Twitter adds 300,000 users daily 
  • Instagram has approximately 300 million active users
  • 89% of 18-29-year-olds are on a social network
  • 92% of companies use social media for recruitment purposes
  • YouTube reaches more U.S. adults than any cable network
  • 1 in 5 young adults uses Twitter on a daily basis
  • 72% of all adults online have a social media presence
  • 80% of all adults online now own a smartphone

What Does this Mean for Your Company?

As you can see from the above statistics, millions of people from a range of demographics are using social media, and as such it’s vital that your company has a presence on at least one platform in order to be there when people are searching for brands like yours. Without any sort of presence, these individuals will simply turn to your competitors, which will automatically lose you business.

How Can you a Create Valuable Social Media Marketing Presence?  

First of all, you need to decide which platforms to have a presence on.  From here, there are countless opportunities to add value to your social pages. The most important step is to identify the type of customer you are trying to appeal to in order to tailor your posts to their specific interests.

You then need to make a concerted effort to interact with your users, provide feedback and participation in discussions to boost the authority of your brand and demonstrate that you are a genuine, devoted brand that cares about your customers. 

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