Recently, we’ve brought you plenty of content on Digital Transformation, from an introduction to it and why it’s important for your business, to the role of social media and its influence on Digital Transformation. In the third installment of our Digital Transformation series, we’re going to delve into the importance of Digital Transformation and how it’s changing the role of the website:
An Investment in New Technology
Digital Transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, and is essential for businesses of all types and sizes in order to grow and succeed.
Digital Transformation and the Role of the Website
Your website plays a crucial role when it comes to Digital Transformation. Whether you run a huge enterprise or an SME, it’s still vital that your website performs successfully across desktop and mobile if it’s going to embrace Digital Transformation and improve the customer experience.
One of the biggest mistakes that new enterprises can make during the transition period is to ignore the power of the website. Despite what some might think, a website is a business’ biggest digital asset, and as such it needs to be strong, powerful and engaging in order for a business to achieve success.
Making Gradual Changes
According to a UK study carried out by IDC, two thirds of UK SMEs are already investing in new technology to keep up with digital transformation. One notable change that many businesses are making is to move some, if not all of their systems to the cloud. This has the following benefits:
• Drives operation efficiency
• Increases opportunities for innovation
• Enables a company to become more competitive
Further, by integrating all web and mobile channels, consistency is attained across customer touch points, thus improving the way that companies engage and communicate with their audiences.
Quick-Fixes are no Long-Term Fix
For a website to be truly transformative it must meet existing and future business objectives. With more than 3.2 billion people using the internet across the globe, it's never been more crucial to offer a powerful website to users.
But simply revamping your website using template kits and other ‘quick-fixes’ is not enough; instead, businesses need to look at the bigger picture.
This involves making sure your website is completely mobile-friendly. Of course your website needs to look nice, but more importantly it needs to be able to solve a problem. It must also be exceptionally responsive, must feature regularly updated, audience-relevant content and must be extremely easy to use with a thumb and fingers. If it isn’t, people will be quick to exit that site, never to return again.
Your website must also be easy to navigate through and fully functional across all devices, focusing very closely on user experience. It must perform well on mobile and desktop, while statistics should be closely analysed to track consumer behaviour and improve the overall experience.
A web design should never be simply an afterthought. It is something that should be well-thought-out and beautifully executed. This requires dedication, passion, hard-work and of course, maintenance. But when a company ensures it has a seamless, user-friendly digital presence, this is key to demonstrating the level of service your customers can expect to receive while building customer relationships that will last for many years to come.
We’re here to help
Here at 8 Ways Media we are professionals in helping businesses to reach their targets and exceed their goals.
Our team of more than 80 passionate, dedicated employees knows exactly what's needed to turn your businesses into an international success, whether you’re a small, medium or large sized enterprise.
Contact us today to discover all about our creative, effective web design strategies.