How to Successfully Showcase your Hotel’s Website

Want to create an amazing website for your hotel that gets people talking? Here’s how to do it...


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2017-10-24 07:42:00

two swimming pools surrounded by sun loungers with white umbrellas

Nowadays, without a beautifully designed website, you will not have the opportunity to target your desired audience and expand your client base in the right way.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at the features every hotel website needs to be successful:

Website Essentials


Contact details

Information about available facilities

Photos of the entire resort, rooms and facilities

Special offers and packages

Central reservation connectivity

Social media links to all of your social channels

Map and directions

Also, link your hotel's address to Google Maps so that first-timers can easily get directions to and from your establishment. For even more traffic, get your business listed on Google My Business.

Social Media

Social media should play an instrumental role in your hotel’s marketing plan. When planning a holiday, people spend hours trawling through the internet in search of the perfect hotel, and if you have a presence on social media you’re more likely to stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of eager travellers.

There’s no need to be present on every platform out there, but having a presence on at least Facebook and Instagram is sufficient to reach your intended target audience. If video creation forms a large part of your marketing strategy, consider setting up a YouTube channel as well.

It’s also vital to include links throughout your website to your social pages, allowing your site visitors to click directly without leaving your hotel’s digital environment (and potentially moving on to a competitor hotel).

A black and white image of a hotel bed with pillows and cushions, and a framed photo behind it

Nearby events and maps

Even for the most organised traveller, finding a list of events, attractions and restaurants on their hotel’s website is extremely useful. Guests who have never visited before can spend hours researching and reviewing top restaurants, landmarks and activities, but you can’t beat local insight! Take advantage of this by offering shopping, eating and sightseeing recommendations, along with a clear map, on your website and social media channels.


To go one step further, you should consider setting up a blog for your hotel’s website. Not only does blogging boost your SEO but it also shows authority and enhances your branding, giving visitors a feel for the type of hotel you are running.

You can either get blogging yourself or get your team to create posts on rotation. Alternatively, you can hire the professionals at 8 Ways Media to do the work for you. Our team are experts at crafting well-branded, insightful and search engine optimised posts.

Running a business is a continuous challenge, but with the support of a top web design agency, you can expect to seriously increase leads, drive bookings and boost your return on investment.

Contact 8 Ways Media

Need a powerful digital marketing strategy that generates premium results? Look no further. Contact 8 Ways Media today for more information.

P.S. In case you missed it, here's our post on creating a restaurant website and below you will find links to some of the many hotel websites we have worked on:

Hotel websites we have worked on:

The La Reserve brand

La Reserve Hotel and Spa Paris

La Reserve Geneva

Michel Reybier

Chateau Les Crostes


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