Top Tips for Improved Event Management

The internet & technology have without doubt had an impact on event management. To avoid any blunders, read on for our top tips on how to improve your next event!


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2017-02-14 10:40:00

The internet and technology have significantly altered how we live our lives and have without doubt had an impact on event management.

The traditional process of planning, organising and executing an event was almost entirely offline, while today the online world plays a huge role in the entirety of an event.

This has its pros and cons but at the end of the day, no matter what techniques you adopt, failure has no hiding place in event management, therefore cutting corners will not get you anywhere!

To avoid any blunders, read on for our top tips on how to improve your next event:

Get creative

One easy way to improve your next event is to get creative. Get your team together to think up some truly creative ideas that will get people talking, well before your event is due to take place. Get your team to truly think outside the box here; the more creative and innovative, the better, as this will inspire as many people as possible to attend.

Plan and coordinate

Planning and coordinating lay the foundations of a successful event. Consider every element of your event from the who, what, when, where and why so that everything is mapped out, well in advance. Analyse the costs to execute the event and get a budget in place. Also, have deadlines in place for when you plan to complete each phase of the event planning process.

Get the ball rolling

Next, it’s time to start the action by getting your budget approved, starting social media campaigns to raise awareness of your upcoming event and getting your marketing into gear by preparing a brochure, sending out emails and informing the media. Come up with a catchy and memorable hashtag that attendees can use before, during and after the event. Also, plan transport and travel where necessary.

Get active 24 hours before the event

At least 24 hours before the event is due to begin, get your list of guests together and send them reminders about the event. Start preparing your tables and ensure all activities are running on time (such as transport). Confirm stock of food, drinks and flowers and ensure your photographer knows the correct time and place of the event. Prepare a rundown of the event, minute-by-minute, and arrive well in advance of the event to ensure that everything is in place. Make sure everyone is on the same page and that everything is in shipshape.

Stay active!

Throughout the event, keep your attendees engaged by posting live updates onto social media using the previously allocated hashtag. Once the event is complete, take a moment to analyse what went well and what went wrong (if anything!) This is your chance to learn from the event and establish what changes you could make to future events.

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