In part 1 of our How-To series, we gave you some top content tips to help you boost traffic to your website, including tailoring your headline and focusing on what your readers want. In part 2 of our series, we’ll focus on how to create a ‘social’ website that is completely shareable.
Creating a social website means creating a website that readers want to like, comment on and share with their peers across social media websites. It’s essential that your content is shareable if you want to boost traffic to your website, and who doesn’t want more traffic?
Read on for 4 top tips on how to make your website more shareable across social media channels:
1. Start a Conversation
If readers leave comments on your articles, don’t leave them hanging. Generate conversations by responding to good comments with well-thought-out responses. This will create a community feel and will also make readers feel valued, inspiring them to return for more. They will also feel more inspired to talk positively about your site and share your content with others.
2. Use Calls-to-Action
Engage your readers with attractive calls-to-action. For example, if you post regular content on your site, offer a ‘Subscribe’ box so that interested readers can keep coming back for more. When a notification of your latest post pops up in their inbox they’ll instantly remember your site and return for more inspiring posts.
Also, make sure that the Share buttons are prominently located on your articles (the most popular location is at the very top of the page). This way, if someone reads an article that they really enjoyed, they can quickly and easily share it across social media sites.
3. Connect with Related Blogs & Sites
Another traffic-boosting tip is to connect with related blogs and sites. Take the time to leave comments on their posts and provide a link to your site at the bottom of the comment. Ensure that your comments are useful and valuable so that you don’t give the impression that you are spamming or hawking your own site. Get conversations going and show that you are an expert in your field.
4. Guest Post
Approach relevant blogs or websites and ask to guest post in exchange for other bloggers guest posting on your site. This is a fantastic way to drive traffic to your site from a related site and gives you the opportunity to gain new readers.
We hope this series will inspire you to make some changes to your social media approach so that your site can generate more high-quality traffic. Stay tuned for part 3 of our series, How to Boost Traffic to your Website, where we offer tips and advice on how to use social media networks to expand your reach.