Event management is a creative endeavour that requires the planner to be innovative and fresh. However being innovative and fresh for every single event that you plan is not always easy, particularly in between all the administrative duties and other responsibilities that come with the role of event manager.
With deadlines approaching it can be easy to resort to the norm, engaging autopilot while you plough through your to-do list and trusting in yourself that everything will get done in time. But with this sort of attitude your creativity and vigour get jeopardised, killing off creativity in the process. Once you reach this stage you need to take a step back and assess how you can make changes, as your clients want fresh, innovative solutions each and every time you host an event.
Improving your Event Management Strategy
Successful event management comes with experience, and this includes attending as many events as possible to garner fresh ideas and gain some inspiration. If you have reached a stage where you are struggling to come up with innovative event management ideas, get out there are attend as many events as possible. Notice how they are structured, what elements are particularly inspiring and what you remember the most when you went home that day.
Attending other events is also a great way to meet new people and gain a new perspective. Events take us away from our comfort zone and force us to inhale fresh sights, sounds and tastes, which have the potential to activate a whole wealth of fresh ideas.
Cultivate Creativity
Another way to improve your event management strategy is to cultivate creativity. Though you cannot force yourself to create new thoughts, you can encourage them to surface by creating the right conditions and environment.
The first step is to ensure that you work in a setting that is inspiring and comfortable. Whether that means rearranging your desk in a more inviting manner or adding a new plant or ornament to the setting, do something that will give you a fresh impression of your working area. Alternatively you may wish to pick up your laptop and take it to a coffee shop, where you will be surrounded by an entirely new environment.
Another way to cultivate creativity is to pick up a book that you wouldn’t usually read. If you are usually interested in romance, pick up a crime or a thriller. Find ways to create fresh ground for originality.
To be as original as possible you should also try to step out of your routine, as routine is the biggest reason why people fail to be creative. The process of having innovative ideas is an enlivening one but getting to that point is the important bit.