The first step in a successful SEO campaign is to ensure that you know exactly what words your customers are using when searching. The difference between ‘content marketing’ and ‘content creation’ is huge – one may be searched for far more than the other, so know which one your customers are using, and use it within your content.
If you don’t already know which keywords are being used, find out by using tools such as Google AdWords, which is a great way to establish which short-tail and long-tail keywords your current and potential clients are looking for.
Keyword Value
Once you have generated a vast collection of short and long-tail keywords it’s time to filter those keywords to determine their value. Ensure there are none that are not specific enough or too targeted. These will be low in value and will have very little competition, and hardly anybody will be searching for these keywords.
On the other hand, high-value keywords possess a lot of competition and it is very difficult to reach the top of search engine results with such keywords. For this reason, you need to concentrate on medium-value keywords with medium competition, to help increase your SEO results.
Keyword Placement
Keyword placement is also an essential part of the SEO game. Don’t stuff keywords into sentence after sentence; instead, focus on keeping all text as organic and user-friendly as possible. Your articles need to be interesting to the human reader – not just search engine spiders.
Use the primary keywords in the main heading and one subheading; aim to put the keyword in the first and last paragraph, as well as in the centre of the text where possible. Remember, focus first on readability, then on SEO value.
Search engines have very detailed algorithms that can easily detect unsolicited activity (such as keyword stuffing). Once this kind of activity is detected you will be penalised as a result and your search engine rankings will drop.
You will also be penalised for poor spelling and grammar, so ensure that every single page of your website and blog is well written and researched. Never sacrifice quality over quantity. This will deter people from using your website and will affect your page ranking.
About 8 Ways
8 Ways Media is a leading branding and web design agency based in Switzerland. Offering 8 key services, including content marketing and social media marketing, the agency offers state-of-the-art, innovative marketing techniques that are guaranteed to drive growth to your website.
Get in touch today to find out how 8 Ways Media can help you to use social media for your business.