This Vital Content Marketing Step you’re Probably Forgetting

Once you’ve published your content onto your website, you then need to promote that content by broadcasting it to the world. How can you do this? Read on to find out…


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2016-07-14 08:27:00

By now you’ve probably realised just how complex content marketing is with its countless angles, strategies and forms. Despite its complexities, it also has the power to be incredibly influential, particularly for businesses looking to successfully market themselves and spread the word about their brand.

So if you’ve been producing high-quality content for quite some time but have yet to truly experience the benefits, perhaps you are forgetting about this vital content marketing step.

Yes, producing high-quality content is one part of the battle, but you can’t expect to witness customers flocking to your business in their droves simply because of some good content.

So what do you need to do?

Once you’ve created your content and published it onto your website, you then need to promote that content by broadcasting it to the world.

How can you do this? Read on for our top tips…

1. Get promoting on social media

Use every platform you are present on to promote your latest articles. This will give your current followers the chance to see your content, where hopefully they will like it and share it. This will (hopefully) lead to new followers and an even bigger audience. Also, remember that old content remains valuable, so repost old content on a regular basis to maximise your potential return on investment.

2. Influencer marketing

Through social media, you can target specific industry influencers who already possess a huge following. Build a relationship with these power players by engaging in conversation with them, liking their content and sharing it. One share from them on social media will instantly connect your content to a huge new audience, which will do wonders for your brand. You could also collaborate with those influencers on a piece of content.

3. Paid advertising

Although we prefer to promote the most organic options here on the 8 Ways Media blog, this isn’t to say that paid options aren’t to be considered. If you want to give some of your content some extra promotion, consider paid advertising to expand your reach and give your content an even bigger boost.

4. Guest posting and inbound links

One extremely effective technique to promote your content is to guest post on industry-relevant websites. Submit similar, relevant content (must be new content) and be sure to include a link and references to your website. This technique drives more traffic to your site, increases the visibility of your posts and boosts your page authority, thus ranking your posts higher in search engines.

5. Email marketing

By now, you’re sure to have collected a sizeable number of emails. One highly effective technique is to announce your latest content within an email to your email marketing list. You should also send out periodic email updates featuring your most popular content created over a specific period of time.

How can we help?

Making a few small tweaks to your business can work wonders for your overall strategy. Are you ready to take the next steps towards improving your business? Contact 8 Ways Media, the most creative web design agency, to discover how we can help you with a compelling marketing strategy that will take your business to brand new heights.

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