The Benefits of Adding Audio to your Blog

There are numerous benefits To adding audio to your current blog. Read on to find out more!


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2015-02-07 11:48:00

Competition to keep your blog readers interested is inevitably high since there are so many websites and blogs available today. If you are searching for a unique and interesting way to keep your readers’ interest high, you may wish to consider adding audios to your blog.

Audios, or podcasts, are a fantastic way to keep readers engaged for longer. Oftentimes, people simply can’t be bothered to read an entire text, but by pressing play and listening to the text being read aloud, you will be far more likely to engage with your audience for longer. 

There are also countless free tools available that enable you to record your audios with ease. These include SoundCloud, Audacity and Anymeeting, which provide a simple and straightforward way to record your voice and upload it to your website. You can also integrate audio blogs onto a WordPress blog using their audio player plug-in.

Adding audios to your blog is a sure-fire way to engage with your readers and grow your audience following.

Listed below are three unexpected benefits of adding audios to your blog:

1.       Stand out from the Crowd

Audios are a brilliant way to stand out from the crowd since not a lot of businesses are using them as part of their online marketing strategy. Many people find that they learn best by listening rather than reading, and as such this is a great way to appeal to a unique segment of your audience who might otherwise not express any interest in your blog.

2.       Get Interviewed

Once your audio blog gains a bigger following, you may eventually find yourself being invited for an interview on other audio blogs. This will help to expose you to new audiences and attract an even bigger following.

3.       Create Products

Audios can be used in countless ways to benefit your business. For instance, once you have recorded a decent amount of audios, you can get them transcribed and turn them into an e-book to offer to your clients. You could also categorise your audios based on particular subjects and create a free or paid online audio course.

Another way to use your audios is as part of the content for members of a member community platform. Ultimately, this will bring more and more people to your blog which will in turn drive better traffic and increase your business’ revenues.

As you can see, audio blogging brings countless benefits to your current blog, adding another unique dimension and making it more interesting and enjoyable.


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