Content marketing Hacks to Help you Write Great Content: Part II

In Part II of this 2-part guide we provide even more useful content marketing hacks to ensure that you never run out of ideas or inspiration!


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2016-07-06 10:10:00

In part I of our Content Marketing Hacks series, we provided you with five useful ways to stay inspired when it comes to creating leading content.

In part II of this two-part series we continue the theme with a list of useful content marketing hacks that are designed to keep the ideas flowing so that you can produce consistently interesting and resourceful content for your blog. 

Use Wikipedia as a Reference Point

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopaedia used by millions of people from across the globe daily. Wikipedia is a consistent and reliable source and as such, if you are uncertain about the spelling or presentation of a name, place or general word, go straight to Wikipedia for the correct version. Accuracy is vital. 


The next tip is to check out your most popular posts. Use these posts as a guide for writing similar posts. For example, if you recently wrote ‘The 6 Best SEO Techniques of 2015’, try writing: ‘The 6 Best Link Building Techniques of 2015’ and so on. Designate a specific day of the week or month to analyse your most popular blog posts and find new ideas and inspirations.  

Issues that affect your industry

Browsing through industry-specific online forums can give you fantastic insight into some issues or problems that are being felt across a particular space. Use your knowledge and expertise to create an article based on predominant issues that are currently affecting your industry, but be sure to avoid being too controversial as this can quickly alienate or offend your readers. Offer a factual account of the current situation that provides unique insight but avoids causing offence.

Re-use Existing Content

Finally, there’s no harm in reusing existing content and turning it into a blog post. For instance, if you published a press release six months ago about the benefits of a particular product, why not turn this into a blog article? Or if you had an interesting email marketing campaign that generated positive results, you can easily use the content featured on this campaign to create fresh blog content.

Rounding Up

As you can see there are countless ways to gain endless content marketing inspiration. If you are experiencing writer’s block or a lack of inspiration, turn to parts I and II of this content marketing guide for some fantastic tips, ideas and resources that are designed to help you produce consistently fantastic content. 

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