How SEO Web Design Impacts your Online Success

The quality of your web design can seriously impact your online success. Read these tips to find out how to improve your SEO web design…


Ramzi Chamat / 8 Ways Media
2015-03-24 12:06:00

Search engine optimisation is no longer a trendy term: it is a way of life for most website operators and can make all the difference between whether or not your site is found by website users. During the web design process it is essential to optimise your site as much as possible for SEO purposes. This will ensure that search engine robots are aware of your site, which will in turn improve the ranking of your site.

How can you Make your Site more Attractive?

There are many ways to improve your web design and make it more attractive to both robots and human visitors.  

Your website needs to be:

1.       Easy to Navigate Through

A website can be easy to navigate through by making the page of that site easy to understand. Include buttons or labels that viewers can easily locate and click on.

Make sure that all images and picture on your web design are the appropriate size – not too big and not too small. This enables web users to easily see them and click on them without having to wait a long time for them to load.

The one thing that today’s web users are largely put off by is waiting for a long time for a page to load. Even search engine spiders are prone to exit a site if it is not easy to navigate around or load, so ensure that all load times are quick and seamless.

2.       Internationally Appealing  

Another element of brilliant web design is ensuring that your site is appealing to an international audience. Even if you provide specialist products or services, your site still needs to be appealing on an international scale otherwise you risk losing potential clients.

This can be achieved by ensuring that your site is accessible to both specialists in the industry as well as those who happen to stumble upon your site. Your site needs to be universally appealing and understandable, as this is one of the many ways that a site gains recommendations from others.

3.       Aesthetically Appealing

An engaging website also needs to be aesthetically appealing, and with today’s technological innovations doing so has never been easier. You might wish to consider the use of parallax scrolling which is a special scrolling technique used by many web designers. Whichever technique you adopt, ensuring that your site is clean, user-friendly and beautiful all at the same time is essential in keeping people engaged with your site for longer.

To learn more about 8 Ways Media’s web design services please contact us to learn more.


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